A new Ronnie Dawson album.  Let the fanfares blow.

Ronnie is pretty much a God to most No Hitters so I am going to take it as read you know about him and ensure you have everything he recorded in your collection.

Here is something you don’t have, yet, two John Peel sessions recorded in 1993 and 1994.  You probably know all this but; As a teen-ager Ronnie recorded some great 45’s in the 50s then as styles changed moved onto other music.  In the 80s he was found by Barney Koumis and steered back onto the path of wild Rock n Roll and Rockabilly.  Ronnie was unlike just about every other 50s rocker who re emerged decades later. His voice had changed but the deeper, rougher sound perfectly suited Rock n Roll and he could hold his own in guitar duels with the best players around. He also still had all the youthful energy, aggression and passion that are so important to the music. On top of all that he could write songs that became modern classics.

On these cuts Ronnie is in top form and is havin’ an absolute ball with his friends .  His sound and energy are perfectly captured and he is backed by the sort of talent he deserves.  Guitar slingers extraordinaire Eddie Angel, Boz Boorer and Malcom Chapman each take turns ably backed by the rock solid rhythm section of Matt Radford and Brian Nevill.

This album is a limited edition and will not be reissued. It has been mastered for vinyl and has not been issued on CD.  The sleeve is fully laminated and could be framed as a work of art in its own right.

Apologies for the quality of the youtube links but hey I am a record seller not a movie maker. Honesty it sounds so much better on vinyl and through a decent system

Side 1


Up Jumped The Devil

Action Packed

Rock The Blues

Down In Mexica

Wham Bam Jam

Side 2


The Cats Were Jumping

Yum Yum

Party Time/Knock Down Drag Out

Ghost Riders In The Sky


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£ 22.00

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Format: Vinyl Album

Format: Vinyl

All music: Rockabilly / Rock N Roll

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