Greeting from sun-drenched Costa del Camden Town! It’s good to see that our UK monsoon season is over or at least paused for a few days and we are soaking up the rays of a nice haul of new releases that have popped up over the last few days. There’s been so much good stuff over the last week that this six of the best really is the tip of the (quickly melting in this heat) iceberg.
Read MoreFive of the British Best 45s and a super CD
Being a loyal old Ted I admit to a soft spot for some of the terrible pop music that was foisted on the British public as Rock ‘n’ Roll from 1954 (yep, that was when Rock Island Line came out) onwards. But amongst the dross shine some gems, so let’s mine some of those diamonds today…
Read MoreA fresh selection of new arrivals
We’ve had a bunch of new stuff through the door this week so no clever themes this time around but if it’s variation you crave, then there’s plenty of that below from LPs and CDs to bubblegum cards. Scroll on…
Read MoreRockabilly repro rummage
Welcome along to the latest installment of the great and the (better than) good from our little Camden Town shop. This week I thought I’d do a random grab into our fit to bursting Rockabilly repro boxes and see what our random grabbiness reveals…
Read MoreThe sounds of the Bayou
We’re taking an excursion to the CD section of the shop today. We have masses of great CDs covering all the genres we love, Rockabilly, Rhythm and Blues Blues, Rock n Roll, Soul, 60s Punk and Garage and current bands recording in these styles but for this mission, we’re headed to Louisiana and the “By The Bayou” series from Ace records.
Read MoreSelected R&B and Blues good stuff
Welcome to another dose of the good stuff for vinyl addicts. For this fix, we’ve flicked through the hundreds of R&B and Blues repros and reissues we keep in the opium den that is our basement and we’ve picked out a few of our faves – some are classics and some deserve to be.
Read MoreStrictly instros!
Instrumentals are a staple for the discerning record buyer and there are a heck of a lot of them. So for this week’s newsletter we have waded through the poor Shadows and Ventures wannabes to find the groups that have dispensed with vocals to concentrate on blasting guitar, wailing sax and a huge sound. Here are six of the best covering various styles.
Read MoreOpen for business and new releases
See if you can guess the very clever theme for this week’s newsletter, it took me a while to come up with this genius idea but I’ve gone with… New Releases. Yeah, okay maybe it ain’t that clever but we’ve had a bunch of new stuff through the door and there’s no point in keeping it a secret, so here goes…
Read MoreSounds That Swing shop reopening on 12th April!
After almost four months in lock-down limbo-land we will be rolling up the shutters on our Camden shop – Sounds That Swing – on Monday 12th April. We would like to thank all of you for your support over the last few months, our mail-order has never been busier and has helped us keep our heads above water over the last crazy year
Read MoreNo Hit Records Newsletter 2 April 2021
Take a break from stuffing Hot Cross Buns in your face and pause that carb-alanche while you take a leisurely ramble through our latest newsletter. By the time you’ve had a good look and listen through these goodies your blood sugar levels should have stabilized enough to mount another assault on all that chocolate…
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